Friday 16 December 2011

Your livelihood is Based on 3 Seconds

Your livelihood is based on 3 seconds.

Retail is ferocious. It’s fast-paced. It’s fickle. Only the strong survive. A brand’s success or failure happens in 3 seconds. All the work you’ve put in–can be rendered useless — in 3 seconds. But you already know this, because you’re fighting in the retail jungle too. In this blog, I’m sharing 20 years of raised-by-wolves experience (LINK) and insight on making those 3 seconds count. Ready to make ‘em count ?

You’ve got 3 seconds. 
Mary is coming down the aisle with her cart.
She checks her list. It says, “joint medicine.” She stops in front of the 4-foot shelving section. For brand this moment is make or break. Live or die.

1st second:

Mary’s human eye can only see color (LINK), but her brain unconsciously goes to work before Mary starts to “think” about it. Her brain is assuming that these colors have been put there to help it figure something out. Shapes register. They deliver more data. Mary’s brain is going through visual Rolodex of what all of these colors and shapes mean (i.e. skull means bad, first aid symbol means healing).

2nd second:

Mary starts to be attracted to some products. She steps forward, looking at graphics. At that second, it becomes clearer to Mary what she’s looking at. Visuals start to register. She starts feeling compelled towards certain items because of her brain’s unconscious work.
3rd second:

One more step, she gets closer, picks a product up and starts reading. This is where you want to be … in Mary’s hand — at second 3. This is where the words on your packaging can convince her. If they don’t, she will move on to another SKU that did a better job at communication. You’ve lost her.

Until second 3, your consumer doesn’t even notice what your package is saying.

They register what they’re seeing: images, shapes, colors. Unbeknown to Mary, her brain is always trying to figure things out without her awareness, deciphering and categorizing everything it sees. Why not use it to your advantage ? A picture says 1000 words. Try to go after shapes that will help Mary understand what your product does. Smiling people with healthy joints … no one would think this product did anything different.

Ready to compete ?
You’ve got 3 seconds. Make ‘em count.